Educational Services for Participants
Effective financial education is a critical component of administering a retirement plan. At MissionSquare Retirement, we understand the importance of this and that's why we offer plan sponsors a comprehensive education program to fit the needs of their employees who participate in the plan.
We communicate with participants about a variety of personal financial matters, with an emphasis on retirement planning. Our objectives are:
Relevant information for public sector employees - Whether new to the workforce, in mid- or late-career, or retired, we have materials to suit your employees' life stages and that address the unique considerations of the public sector.
Recognizing the increased economic pressures on the public sector, we've also developed a resource for participants facing an employment transition, such as a job loss or unexpected early retirement.
Communication on participants' preferred terms, with an emphasis on face-to-face interactions - Individuals learn in different ways and may prefer certain styles of communication over others. Many participants highly value in-person communications, so we emphasize on-site group meetings and individual consultations. And we complement those interactions through a number of different mediums, including print via direct mail, flyers, and newsletters; telephone communications, and online resources.
Targeted campaigns - Our educational communications can be tailored to directly address your employees' situations, such as plan participation or high rates of emergency withdrawals.
Measure and adjust - We work with plan sponsors on an ongoing basis to evaluate key plan metrics, so we can adjust our approach to educational communications accordingly.
For more information on how our education services can help you meet your plan administration and fiduciary responsibilities, contact your local MissionSquare Retirement representative or call Plan Sponsor Services at (800) 326-7272.